We've just launched the feature to be able to do things like
Check your order(s)
Check your delivery address on any order
Add, edit, update or delete an address
To do get into your orders area:
1. Go to terralistens.com
If you have a password, skip to no. 3, otherwise, continue below:
2. If you don't already have a password for your TerraListens account:
You can create one by 'Activating' your account - go to My Terra > Register / Login and then on the login page see red circle in the image below for where to activate your account with a password. You can optionally reset your password on the login screen if you had a password but don't remember it.
3. Once you have a password. go to 'My Terra > Manage Orders & Addresses (4th item in the dropdown under 'My Terra')
4. After login you can see a list of orders and your addresses and manage those as you wish (Screen example below)
If you have any questions or need help, contact support at 'My Terra > Support' where you can search knowledge base articles and also scroll to the bottom to create a support ticket.